AEMC - Smart solar reforms will inject more clean energy into the grid
From the Australian Energy Market Commission media release - 12 August 2021
“Smart solar reforms will inject more clean energy into the grid
The Australian Energy Market Commission has finalised reforms designed to get more small-scale solar into the grid and support the growth of batteries and electric vehicles.
The reforms will put tough new obligations on power network companies to make their networks ‘smarter’. They will now be accountable for getting their businesses solar- and battery-friendly so everyone benefits. A key part of the changes is removing the companies’ ability to put blanket bans on customers sending solar energy back to the grid.
The reform package also means power networks can offer a range of options – including a basic free service – to encourage solar owners to limit solar waste, save money and benefit the grid.
The reforms are a long-term sustainable plan to have more customers benefit from solar, put downward pressure on electricity prices and help decarbonise the energy sector faster.”