Zero Emissions Noosa Submissions
Zero Emissions Noosa is active in applying for grants for projects, and making submissions and recommendations on issues relating to achieving our goal of zero nett emissions in the Noosa Local Government Area by 2026.
Climate Change Response Plan Community Reference Group Recommendations
The project is intended to increase the uptake of solar on business and residential strata properties. This specific focus is required as it is widely recognized that strata properties lag behind single owner properties in the uptake of solar PV.
The project aims to develop a test site for a virtual embedded network amalgamated in one precinct. In line with Energex’s demand response regulation, the virtual embedded network is a large power user where, in the future, Council could use the excess power generated from the Energy Hub to offset, for example, street lighting in the immediate area.
The proposed project will facilitate test driving of electric vehicles to influence consumer choice by offering cost-free electric vehicle experiences for Noosa Shire residents.
This project proposal is to advocate to local, Federal and State governments in Australia for take climate action, adopt net zero emissions targets, increase support for renewable energy, transitioning to a low carbon economy, and addressing climate risk impacts from coastal hazards, flooding, drought, heat risk, bushfires and biodiversity loss. Additionally, the proposal includes advocacy for legislative change to allow for Council to facilitate Environmental Upgrade Finance to enable eligible parties to access low risk finance for building upgrades.
ZEN proposes to bring forward the completion date of Noosa Council’s Cycling and Walking Strategy and Implementation Plan from 2040 to 2030 in order to more quickly reduce emissions from transport.
This project proposes the installation of a pilot community battery in the Noosa Shire in 22/23.
Battery storage at various scales is recognized as one of the important tools by which to maximize rooftop solar and address network difficulties. Ultimately a network of community batteries will be required in Noosa to act as a “solar sponge” to soak up excess solar production during the day and use at night.
This proposed project is for Noosa Council (Parks and Facilities) to undertake a tree-planting project to plant shade trees on nature strips throughout Noosa Shire. The project will aim to plant 1,000 trees in 2022. Trees will be at an advanced stage (approximately 1m in height) and meet Noosa Council Code in relation to species requirements. Trees will be staked and planted with root barriers to preserve and protect underground infrastructure. This project would then be continued so that a minimum of 1,000 trees are planted on nature strips each consecutive year.
Grant Submissions
The ZEN Inc community group and Noosa Council have received requests from community groups, businesses, bodies corporate, individuals and Councilors about the introduction of community batteries in the Noosa LGA. We have been investigating initiatives in other jurisdictions to assess their viability locally to support time shifting of excess generated solar PV, increased hosting capacity, whilst also providing network support particularly on LV feeders, all in a financially viable way.
This new roadmap will be the “Business Plan for a Network of Community Batteries in the Noosa LGA”, and will guide the pathway to grow from a single community battery, to a dozen, and in time to more than 100. We expect that this specific plan for Noosa will be able to be easily adapted to other local government areas in South East Queensland in the Energex zone, and beyond.