Strategic Plan
The Roadmap report is supported by our own strategic plan. Zero Emissions Noosa inc has a focus on two key areas at this point of time, transport and electricity. There are a number of key projects being undertaken by the group between 2023-2026, interested parties are welcome to view our strategic thinking here.
Action Plans 2023 - 2026
Zero Emissions Noosa inc has a focus on two key areas at this point of time: Transport (ZENTAG) and Electricity (ZENe). There are a number of key projects being undertaken by the group between 2023-2026, interested parties are welcome to view current ZENTAG Action Workplan here and ZENe Action Workplan here.
Zero Emissions Noosa inc is comprised of a number of sub-committees, each responsible for specific facets of the organisation. To view the individual plan for each sub-committee visit the Governance & Operations Action Plan, Communications & Advocacy Action Plan & Finance & Fundraising Action Plan.
Report - Facilitating Community Understanding of Electricity Battery Options for Noosa Shire
To investigate whether the energy generated locally can be used locally, and whether using a local/community battery could be a solution for the Noosa region, ZEN Inc. has worked with representatives from the Coalition for Community Energy (C4CE) to learn more about how communities have and are using local/community batteries as a solution to storing energy generated locally, being used in the local area.
This report strengthens ZEN Inc’s knowledge of the issues and solutions resulting from high levels of solar penetration in Noosa, strengthens ZEN Inc’s capacity to inform and engage with the community about the emerging issues, potential solutions and next steps to achieve the Net Zero Emissions target by 2026 and assists to inform and strengthen ZEN Inc’s strategic direction from 2021 – 2023.
Understanding the Barriers and Benefits of Business Solar Report
In order to better understand how ZEN can support local businesses to take up rooftop solar, ZEN commissioned a report into the Understanding the Barriers and Benefits of Business Solar. Read the report here.
Achieving 100% Renewable Electricity in Noosa Report
The Achieving 100% Renewable Energy in Noosa Report, known to ZEN Inc as the Roadmap report prepared by Dr Rob Passey from ITP Renewables defines a clear pathway our region should follow to achieve a zero emissions future.
Zero Emissions Noosa Inc has undertaken a great deal of analysis and assessment of our region’s energy patterns and detailed what we believe is an achievable path to this goal. The report was delivered in October 2018 and we are well on our way to tracking our progression toward the target. The full report is available here for review.
Annual Report - 2023
The Zero Emissions Noosa Annual Report 2023 is available here.
Here are the Chair’s remarks:
ZEN Inc. is a regional influencer and change agent for the Noosa Community. In 2023, we made significant progress with projects and engaging with our Noosa Shire community to work towards the zero net greenhouse gas emissions. Our projects and activities are outlined in this Annual Report. While we all want to see more and faster action on climate change in Australia and across the world, by working to reduce emissions in our own local Government area, we are “thinking globally and acting locally”.
ZEN Inc’s work is educating about and advocating for emissions reduction, while undertaking projects in both stationary energy and sustainable transport. These are practical actions to reduce emissions in our own Noosa Shire community. We are “doing our bit for the planet”, while demonstrating how “people can live in the Noosa Biosphere”, to leave a better place for future generations.
In 2023, Australia not only experienced deadly floods, storms and bushfires across the country, but according to information published by the Climate Council of Australia, it was the hottest year on record with heatwaves scorching large swathes of the country. Queensland suffered more economic damage from extreme weather disasters than any other state or territory, ( au/news/2022-11-28/climate-council-report-impact-queensland-east coast-australia/101695572). As the science says, climate change is here and we are living with it now. It is not something that will happen in the future. the climate emergency is here now.
ZEN Inc. is dealing with it at the local level. ZEN Inc. is very appreciative of funding from Noosa Council, the Federal and Queensland Governments, Sandy Bolton MP, and the patrons and sponsors of our EV Expo to assist our work. We are also fortunate to have a collaborative working relationship with a number of key stakeholders, especially Noosa Council, Tourism Noosa and Noosa Junction Assoc. We thank them all for their support.
We are extremely fortunate to have some very knowledgeable and passionate people as part of our dedicated ZEN Inc. team. We particularly thank our volunteer Board members, our volunteer project team and activity members (ZEN E & ZENTAG), our Community Engagement Officer, Meghan Halverson, and our recently appointed Admin. Coordinator, Nicole Thornton, for their dedication and support. Your knowledge and skills that have greatly assisted ZEN Inc’s work in 2023 are very much appreciated. We will continue to drive change by reducing emissions within the Noosa Biosphere for the benefit of everyone.
Annual Report - 2022
The Zero Emissions Noosa Annual Report 2022 is available here.
Annual Report - 2021
The Zero Emissions Noosa Annual Report 2021 is available here.
Annual Report - 2020
The Zero Emissions Noosa Annual Report 2020 is available here.
Annual Report - 2019
Zero Emissions Noosa’s 2019 Annual Report is available here.