Steps to create new ZEN website
There is existing content, including images, logos, etc on the Business Catalyst site - Geoff has admin access to this site if anything needs to be retrieved
There is existing content from the now defunct site. It is no longer accessible as a hosted website. Geoff still has access to all content. Content has also been saved as PDFs(print screens), screenshots, etc - all on Dropbox share. Ask Geoff for access
Geoff has offered to provide (for free!) squarespace training, support, and content entry, etc. Plus a number of “tricks” & gotchas
Initial content for the trial site has been provided by Vivien Griffin
the trial site is based on the default site style for the Squarespace developer mode. Some of the Squarespace styles have been modified - generally just font size & button colours
an all-in-one web hosting and content management product
content editors do not need knowledge of HTML
emphasis is on ease of use for content editing and creation
integrates with GSuite, Mailchimp, Stripe(credit card payments), Facebook, Twitter
other integrations via inline code
has a native mail out facility(haven’t looked at this - but could be alternative to Mailchimp)
renders to all browsers - desktops, tablets, mobiles - as long as simple rules are followed(eg no tables)
full feature list is at - - but ignore the commerce related features(except for donations)
use developer trial site
owner & one other
site visible if secret url is known
can password protect if required
unlimited (free) time before plan is purchased
some functionality not activated, eg donations/payments
current sites use Developer Mode - extra customising possible, template switching disabled
current owner is David Acton via his developer account. Site ownership will be transferred when a paid plan is purchased
Squarespace plans
recommend “Business” plan - AU$300 per year, if pay annually, else AU$25 per month - refer
they don’t have any discounts for not-for-profits
needs credit card for payment
can be cancelled at any time - but no refunds I believe for pay in advance
no limit on storage/bandwidth
note that donations form has been migrated to trial site. It seamlessly integrates with Stripe to accept all major credit cards - although fees are a bit hefty - but is a very easy zero cost option
Getty images can be purchased via content editing and charged to registered credit card(can be restricted)
Content created, entered and validated
Interactive features tested
have ownership of (NetRegistry)
integrations tested
note that final testing should be done once squarespace plan has been purchased - as some features, eg donations don’t fully function on developer/trial site
any relevant data from Business Catalyst site retrieved
On the day
disconnect from Business Catalyst site - if required
connect squarespace site to
smoke test
terminate Business Catalyst site
Other considerations
get access to ZEN GSuite for Not For Profits. I think this will give us a file share - Google Drive. Needed to host linked documents
Quite a few free images available - searchable from squarespace. Getty images also easily searchable(for a fee)
Or you can add your own