See how going electric helps you $ave. Maximize your time get straight to the point, connect highlighted suppliers and customers, share vital insights. Network and find out the real value to your bottom line. Integrate solar charging | eBus | eBike | eODT | Machinery | Monitoring & Management as well as apps that could suit your operation. Its a forum for anyone from the mildly intrigued to an absolute expert... and you!
The 1st of 2x 40m sessions starts at 11:20am, with an open invite for fleet operators and vendors - from 40seat coaches to tiny scooters and everything in between. The 2nd session at 12:20 showcases advantages for facilitators, change leaders, gov & edu. Discussion topics include benefit2brand, business opportunities, funding landscape, lifecycles, systems integration and any requests. Also anticipate insights from the likes of GoodCarCo and options to obtain prime stakeholding on our ongoing fleet forum, plus partnership opportunities.
This exciting joint initiative of Zero Emissions Noosa and clim8safe consultancy builds upon earlier years success, facilitated by director Mat Colefax. Subject to demand we may also livecast one of the walkthroughs. Regardless get your tickets now, no matter if end up tuning in instead of turning up it helps us build it for you.
The Noosa EV Expo is also part of the World Environment Day month long Festival