01 March 2024 - Energy grants available — Zero Emissions Noosa

01 March 2024 - Energy grants available

Thanks Noosa Today again for our regular column in your paper.

Queensland Businesses Energy Upgrade Grants Now Available but HURRY

Queensland Small & Medium Business Owners now have access to funding to purchase energy

efficient equipment upgrades to reduce their carbon footprint and save money thanks to the

Energy Efficiency Grants for Small & Medium Enterprises (Round 2).

Eligible businesses are free to claim between $10,000 and $25,000 to purchase energy efficient

equipment including replacing inefficient air conditioners, upgrading lighting from halogen to

LED globes and energy audits to reduce and manage energy usage and costs. Expenses must

be aimed at reducing your expenditure on energy and do not extend to any solar panel or

battery related costs.

The grant opens from 12pm AEST 28th February to businesses who meet the qualifying criteria,

so be sure to get in fast, as allocation of funding is on a “first in, best dressed” basis!

To be eligible, you need to be a partnership or incorporated entity, Sole Trader or Trustee on

behalf of a trust, with between 1-199 employees consecutively over a twelve-month period since

2020 and have operated for a minimum of 24 months. If you received any of the Small &

Medium Enterprises - Round 1 funding, you will not be able to apply for the second round. H


“We think Noosa residents are ready to power up their community’s future with sustainable energy” said ZEN chair Anne Kennedy.

You can read the full edition
