Sun Powered Pomona
Media Release 28 MAY 2021
The hinterland towns and districts of Federal, Pinbarren and Pomona make up postcode 4568 and are under the spotlight as Zero Emissions Noosa (ZEN) continue to track progress towards the goal of zero community emissions for Noosa by 2026.
Local resident and Noosa Councillor Brian Stockwell is feeling pretty impressed with the results by his community of just over 3,500 people (about 1 in 16 of the residents in the Noosa Shire) and says:
“It’s great to see over a half of residential properties in Pomona have solar arrays and a bit over a quarter of business properties likewise. With only 12% of our roof space used, the town is already getting 41% of its power needs from renewables. This makes the goal of zero community emissions by 2026 a realistic goal.
I reckon with the typical friendly rivalry it will be a race to see which hinterland town or village will be first to claim the prize of 100% of its power supplies being generated from renewables, at this stage Cooran is in the lead with 46%.
The postcode’s now installed over 4,000 kW of solar, which if layed end to end would stretch for 25 km.
Pomona’s also home to the largest industrial solar installation in the Noosa Shire with the 200kW system at Page Furnishers. All this solar means that the community in the postcode is averting over 5,000 tonnes of CO2 which otherwise would have been emitted by coal-fired power stations.
Pomona is also home to another councillor Karen Finzel. She’s equally enthusiastic and says:
“A big shout out to all those who are in the race towards reducing emissions!
Pomona Hinterland Village is home to like minded individuals who are focussed on working locally as a community to help achieve our goal of zero emissions by 2026.
Together we strengthen communities”
Details can be found at
Next time we’ll look at Cooran - postcode 4569.
Basis of calculations
Please refer to Reference section for Postcode 4563.