Want to improve your business bottom line?
Zero Emissions Noosa (ZEN) Inc’s research shows that businesses which invest in solar regularly report the economic benefits it delivers. However, we also know that small business has little time to do the homework on the best options for them.
“That’s why ZEN has collated case studies of a range of Noosa businesses which have invested in solar. The case studies document the type of business, the system size, the payback period and the electricity savings for that business.”
Go direct to watching some short videos about a range of local businesses switching to solar here
A Solution for Tenants Makes Good Business Sense
Haymes Paint Shop Noosa co-owner Mason Powell challenges any business in town to take the time and do the financial calculations. He said “They would be crazy not to invest in solar. The decision to have solar installed is “an easy decision to make financially. If in doubt, seek advice”.
Haymes Paint Shop Noosa is an example of a commercial tenant that approached their landlord to get permission to install a solar system. The landlord did not pay for the installation, it was Haymes Paint Shop ll Noosa, the long-term tenant that financed the solar system.
Mason Powell co-owner of Haymes Paint Shop Noosa very happy with the saving from his solar system.
Mason says despite the fact that Paint Right Noosa are tenants, investing in solar still stacks up! Their electricity bill savings covers the finance repayments, meaning the solar system paid for itself. The solar system will be paid off before the current lease period of three years is complete and they also chose a relocatable solar system. While Haymes Paint Shop are long-term tenants, it was important for this business to choose a solar system that can be moved to a new location if needed.
Key Driver For Installing Solar
Haymes Paint Shop Noosa is a specialist in paint and decorating and operate six days per week. The business owners, Mason Powell and Phil Fortington who are very renewables focused. They wanted to do their bit for the environment and reduce their electricity spend.
In 2018, they had their 20KW system installed. Pre solar their electricity costs were $2,190 per quarter. After solar, they had an 87% reduction in electricity costs. Their estimated payback is 2.9 years, for their investment of $23,796 to finance the solar system. The solar system means it reduces its greenhouse gas emissions by 24 tonnes of CO2-e per year – a great contribution to making Noosa a more liveable environment while saving money at the same time.
In 2020, Haymes Paint Shop went one step further in reducing their electricity costs by investing in LED lighting throughout their store. As Mason Powell stressed “It was an easy decision for a long-term tenant”.
Listen to Mason talk about the success of their solar system