Noosa Council Kickstarts Climate Change Response Plan
Zero Emissions Noosa is pleased to report great progress by our newly elected Council to continue their leading policy actions around climate change.
On 11 August 2020, Noosa Council’s Planning & Environment Committee endorsed a recommendation on a Climate Change Response Plan to be considered the full councillor’s General Committee for adoption on Monday 17 August 2020.
Here’s the Executive Summary:
“This report provides an update on climate change planning currently underway and sets out a process for developing a Climate Change Response Plan (CCRP) that considers both emissions reduction and climate adaptation for Council and the community. The report seeks Council endorsement of a Project Plan, revised Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan, and revised Project Control Group Charter (PCG).
RECOMMENDATION That Council note the report by the Principal Strategic Planner to the Planning & Environment Committee Meeting on the Climate Change Response Plan dated 11 August 2020 and
A. Approve the Project Plan and Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan provided at Attachment 1 and 2 to the report; and
B. Approve the updated Climate Emergency Response Plan PCG Charter provided at Attachment 3 to the report.”
You can read the full report at this link below, starting at page 45
Plan Summary
Here’s the summary of the Climate Change Response Plan:
ZEN endorses the plan
Zero Emissions Noosa President Vivien Griffin strongly supports Council action, and has sent her congratulations to the Mayor and Councillors.
“Dear Mayor Stewart and Councillors,
Please accept ZEN's congratulations in getting the Climate Change Response Plan onto Council's agenda so speedily in your new term. This issue impacts economic, environmental and social sectors of our community and the commitment to real action in partnership with your community is inspiring.
We note that this initiative had been supported by all candidates prior to the election, and it is great to see politicians keeping faith with their election commitments. ZEN pledges to be a positive participant in the months ahead.
At this early stage, we would like to suggest that a transport representative be included in the proposed Project Team members and that transport have a greater presence in the overall Response Plan. Transport represents at least 30% of Noosa community emissions and will be the most difficult to tackle. We believe it is important that it be recognised as a fundamental component in the Response Plan right from the beginning.”
Call to action
Zero Emissions Noosa encourages our members and subscribers to write similar letters of congratulations to the council to help ensure that the recommendation is adopted by the full council.
For your convenience, click on the links below, where a pre-filled email has been prepared. You may also wish to refer to answers listed below given by candidates prior to the Council election.
Mayor Clare Stewart -
Deputy Mayor Frank Wilkie -
Councillor Amelia Lorentson -
Councillor Joe Jurisevic -
Councillor Karen Finzel -
CouncillorTom Wegener -
Councillor Brian Stockwell -
Election Question and Answers
Prior to the 2020 Council election, Zero Emissions Noosa asked all candidates a number of detailed policy action questions, with question 1 being most relevant to the Council Climate Change Action Plan
“1. Will you seek to develop a Climate Emergency Action Plan in consultation with the community in time for the 2020-2021 Budget?”
“I will consider the work already done by council and then consult the community.”
“If such a plan can include the actions in Noosa council’s Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Coastal Hazards Adaptation Plan, Zero Emissions Noosa 2026 and other climate change adaptation and response actions currently underway and planned, then it is worth considering as a means of integrating the work.”
“The declaration by Noosa Shire Council together with 84 other Australian Councils in 2014 for climate emergency is well supported however this should be accompanied by the development and implementation of a ‘Climate Emergency Plan’. The prestigious label of UNESCO Biosphere should see Noosa Council recognised in a leadership capacity when it comes to climate change. Of course, I will always engage community.”
“Council is already implementing several policies associated with Climate Change such as the Climate Change Adaptation Plan, Coastal Hazards Adaptation Plan, Zero Emissions Plan and is implementing priority actions already identified, such as the rollout of solar on Council Buildings. It is also ensuring that all Policies have the elements of Climate Change embedded within. It makes sense that a Climate Emergency Plan would be developed following the the declaration of a Climate Emergency to identify the priority actions needed to be undertaken with consultation and input from the community. I do support an Emergency Plan Action Plan that incorporates the work already undertaken and prioritise the actions to come.”
“Yes. A Climate Emergency Action plan must be developed with the community in time for the 2020-2021 Budget. As a Council we should NOT be swayed by political motivations, instead we need to listen to our community’s position on climate change. And then take action to reduce our impact on the environment.”
“The Queensland Climate Resilient Council’s detailed governance assessment ranked Noosa as a leading Council’s in the state for its integrated approach to Climate Change. It is embedded across numerous policies. Hazard assessment is well advanced and extensive community consultation is proposed in coming months to develop the Climate Adaptation Plan. ”
“After I get elected, I will have two and a half months before the budget is due to investigate, consult the community, anticipate costings and create a report on the Climate Emergency Action Plan. This is a substantial undertaking which I will begin, but I cannot give any guarantees on actually completing these tasks before the budget.”