Check out all the action from the highly successful 2022 Noosa Electric Vehicle Expo & Street Fest.
Can you find yourself in the crowd? Check out the Zero Emissions Noosa YouTube Channel

Check out the legendary Vivien Griffin, lead organiser of all of every Noosa Electric Vehicle Expo, give a really inspiring talk at the Cooroy Library as one of the promotional events for the super successful 2022 Noosa Electric Vehicle Expo & Street Fest - our biggest and most acclaimed ever !
The first few minutes of Vivien’s talk really captures her passion and ability to express what the Zero Emissions Noosa community group is all about.

The 2022 Noosa EV Expo was bigger and better than previous years featuring everything from micro mobility devices, to maxi mowers and mega trucks. It gave you plenty to think about. This little clip gives you a flavour of the event and ends with some key strategies to usher in zero emissions transport recommended by both the Climate Council and Noosa Council. Councillor Brian Stockwell’s video of the event

The 2022 Noosa Electric Vehicle Expo & Street Fest was Zero Emissions Noosa's most ambitious and successful yet - closing Sunshine Beach Road at Noosa Junction with the streets of Noosa Junction buzzing with an electric charge! You can capture some of the flavour of the event in this short video.

The 2022 Noosa Electric Vehicle Expo & Street Fest was a blast.
Check out all the action from this compilation of photos taken at the event. Can you find yourself in any of the pics?

In case you missed the speaker’s tent at the 2022 Noosa Electric Vehicle Expo and Street Fest, here’s another one to catch up on.
This one on 2 & 3 wheeled EVs

From the 2022 Noosa Electric Vehicle Expo & Street Fest
Exploring 2 & 3 wheeled EV’s Part 2
With Ben Silver from Benzina Zero (Benzina is Italian for Petrol) This talk is about Benzina Zero’s development and sales of EV motor scooters: - Duo, City, Sport and Cargo.

Fabulous talk by John Murray from the Australian Electric Vehicle Association at the 2022 Noosa Electric Vehicle Expo & Street Fest
This video covers real concerns regarding EVs and the comparison of Electric Vehicles (Evs) to Internal Combustion Vehicles (ICE).
Battery life and maintenance, vehicle cost comparisons, and EVs vs ICE for the environment - Carbon emissions and manufacturing techniques.

Exploring 2 & 3 wheeled EV’s
Andrea Herklots from everybody eBikes talk from the 2022 Noosa Electric Vehicle Expo & Street Fest, If you are thinking of getting and electric bike, this is a must watch.

The challenge of Climate Change - a portal to sustainability.
Another inspiring talk from the 2022 Noosa Electric Vehicle Expo & Street Fest

Here are the opening speeches by ZENe president Anne Kennedy, Independent member for Noosa Sandy Bolton and Councilor Frank Wilkie.

YES, you can take power out of your Electric Vehicle to power auxiliary systems, for example electric camping gear.
Really entertaining speech by Austin Adams at the 2022 Noosa Electric Vehicle Expo & Street Fest